Sunday, December 20, 2009

Introducing a Blog for Would-Be Time Travelers

This blog is an off-shoot of my long established "Old School Alaskan" blog, and will focus on historical reenacting.  More specifically, it will focus on the aspect of reenacting the day to day lifestyles of people living in North American frontiers between the years 1763 and 1850.  As a reenactor, I specialize in the lives of people engaged in the Canadian fur-trade during that time period, so of course I have a bias toward that time and place, but much of the information I'll provide will be equally useful to those researching and reenacting other periods and other historical characters.

Unlike many historical reenactors, I really attend historical events.  Rather than creating an experience for the general public, I focus on recreating historical experiences for my own enlightenment and enjoyment.  Sometimes referred to as "experiential archaeology", I try to duplicate the experiences of our historical ancestors to better understand their experiences and how their experiences influenced history.

I've been doing this for a very long time, and I hope that by sharing some of what I've learned over the years I can help others enjoy their experiences while traveling back in time.

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